Awards & Media Coverage
We're award winning...
- Recognized as Europe’s Top 100 Digital Pioneers by Financial Times, Google and the EU
- Winner of the Innovation Den at the Internet of Insurance conference (UK)
- Shortlisted for GSMA Asia Mobile Awards in the category “Best Mobile App for Business“
- Nominated for the 22nd Asia Industry Awards in the category “InsurTech of the Year”
- Awarded Top 100 Healthy Lifestyle Blog by Feedspot
- Winner of the Red Herring Top 100 Global Award (USA)
- Bronze in the Internet of Things category at the Best of Swiss Apps Awards
- Nominated as Top 100 Innovator in the Global Digital Health Award List 2016 by the Journal of mHealth
- Among the winners of the Be Well Challenge with the HITS Award from MSD (USA)
- Winner of the 2016 Innovators Challenge at the Partners HealthCare Connected Health Symposium (USA)
- Finalist in the Innovation category at the Insurance IOT Europe Awards (UK)
- Winner of the 2016 Global Visionary Innovation Leadership Award for Wellness Analytics by Frost & Sullivan (USA)
- Finalist in the “Best App” category for the Wearable Award at WTS Wearable Technology Show (UK)
- Winner of the BIG Innovation Award by the Business Intelligence Group (USA)
- Nominated as Top 100 Innovator in the Global Digital Health Award List by the Journal of mHealth
- Finalist at the Global Red Herring Top 100 Awards (USA)
- Digital Health Award Finalist at the Digital Innovation in Healthcare Conference of Munich Network (Europe)
- Winner of the TiE50 Award at TiECon in Silicon Valley (USA)
- Winner of silver at the EU SME eHealth Competition in the Champions category (Europe)
- Finalist for the Red Herring Global Top 100 Award (Worldwide)
- Bronze in category Lifestyle at the Best of Swiss App Award 2014 (Switzerland)
- Nominated for 2015 Edison Award
- Winner of the Red Herring Top 100 Europe Awards (Europe)
- Bronze at Best of Swiss Web Awards (Switzerland)
- Finalist at Phone as a Wearable Hub Award, WT Innovation World Cup 2013/2014 (Europe)
- Best of 2014 Innovationspreis-IT in the category “e-Health” at the Initiative Mittelstand (Germany)
- Winner of the Health Media Award 2013 (Germany)
- Winner of the Public Award at the Swiss ICT Awards (Switzerland)