Frequently Asked Questions

The dacadoo Health Score

If health remains intangible, it is difficult to understand it. However, if you can measure it, you can work with it. With the explosion of health and fitness-related wearable devices and applications on the market, it has never been easier for people to get access to a variety of health- and fitness-related data. This is also a problem, as no one can handle such a multitude of data and make sense out of it without any support. Making sense out of a large amount of health and wellbeing data is exactly what the dacadoo Health Score does: it simplifies the health status of an individual into just one number – the Health Score, so that it can be universally understood. Fundamentally, the dacadoo Health Score is based on who you are (body), how you feel (mind), and how you live (lifestyle). The dacadoo Health Score is a scientifically calculated number from 1 (low) to 1,000 (high). It moves up or down in real-time, depending on how your body, emotional wellbeing or lifestyle data changes. Think of it as your own personal stock quote of your health and wellbeing in real-time, similar to a stock quote on a stock exchange. The dacadoo Health Score is based on over 200 million person-years of clinical data. It has been developed by dacadoo in collaboration with a professor and former long-term scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston.

The dacadoo Health Score simplifies the health status of an individual into just one number, so that it can be universally understood. Fundamentally, it is based on who you are (body), how you feel (feelings) and how you live (lifestyle). It is expressed as a number from 1 to 1,000, and moves up or down in real-time, depending on how body, emotional wellbeing or lifestyle data change.

Currently, the highest Health Score is 917 and the lowest is 154.

The weighting of the dacadoo sub-scores is: Body (40%), Feelings (15%) and Lifestyle (45%).

dacadoo provides a three-category list as well as a five-category list below:

A three-category list could be:

  • Poor (< 480)
  • Good (≥ 480 – < 680)
  • Excellent (≥ 680)

A five-category list could be:

  • Poor (< 480)
  • Fair (≥ 480 – < 550)
  • Good (≥ 550 – < 610)
  • Very good (≥ 610 – < 680)
  • Excellent (≥ 680)

When you sign up on dacadoo you only entered four data points (age, gender, height and weight) and obtained your first personal dacadoo Health Score. All other data points for the calculation of the dacadoo Health Score have been automatically imputed with estimated average values at that moment. Of course, the more data you provide over time, the more accurate and more personal your Health Score will become.

It is well known that a healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk of later illnesses. Wellness is a complex concept but it can broadly be broken down into the following components: exercise, nutrition, emotional wellbeing, lifestyle choices, stress, and sleep patterns. Adjustments to these factors influence the other factors, and in turn, your overall level of wellness. Positive changes in your lifestyle can have wide-ranging health benefits but ultimately, change can only be implemented by you.

Empowering you to manage your own health and wellbeing has obvious benefits. dacadoo works as your health coach in your pocket, motivates you to keep going, rewards you for success and helps you to achieve your goals.

In the past few years we have seen a “consumerisation” of medical devices, as there has been an explosion of health and fitness-related wearable devices and applications on the market. Many consumer electronics vendors have launched step counters, digital weighing scales, blood pressure monitors, activity bands and, more recently, smart watches, moving the wearables market to an early mass market. It has never been easier for people to get easy access to a variety of health and fitness-related data, but this is also a problem, as no one can handle a multitude of data and often people do not know how to put the data points into a larger context. If health and wellbeing remain intangible, it is difficult to work with them. Conceptually, if you can measure it, you can work with it. So you need something that retrieves the intelligence out of all these data points and provides a visual and easy to understand status of where an individual stands in terms of his/her current health and wellbeing. That is exactly what the dacadoo Health Score does, as it simplifies the health status of individuals into just one number so that it can be universally understood. It measures the overall health and wellbeing of a person, based on body values, emotional wellbeing and lifestyle (exercise, nutrition, stress, and sleep). When tracked over time, it offers a good indicator of how a person’s health and wellbeing is evolving. The dacadoo Health Score is a number from 1 (low) to 1000 (high) and it moves up or down in real-time, depending on how your body, emotional wellbeing or lifestyle data changes. Think of it as your own personal stock quote of your health and wellbeing in real-time, similar to a stock quote on a stock exchange. dacadoo decided to go for a score and not an age-related measure (such as bio age, real age, etc.) for two very important reasons: we wanted an indicator where older people could compare themselves to younger people, and also men could compare themselves to women. To do so, we went through a mathematical process called equalisation for age and sex, so that the score could be used as a universal measure of health ranking.

No, the dacadoo Health Score is not a diagnostic tool and does not substitute the diagnosis of your medical professional. The dacadoo Health Score is an indicator of your current health and wellbeing and the dacadoo health engagement solution is a lifestyle product which allows you to manage your personal health and wellbeing in an easy and fun way. To be active and help you remain engaged, dacadoo applies motivation techniques from behavioural science and popular online games, and uses social dynamics from groups and social networks. The result: you get real-time virtual coaching and feedback from the dacadoo Health Navigator which combines these advanced techniques to make it work you.

The health benefits of physical activity are determined by sustained activity over time, not by a single workout.

This is implemented in dacadoo through a type of averaging procedure (called exponentially-weighted moving average) that looks back at your activities over the past 60 days. Because of this, if a workout you do today consumes less energy than your current average, your score will drop, as it should. Like everything else in dacadoo, your activity score is a correct and medically realistic measure of your present and future health.

Tracking with dacadoo and Third Party Devices/Apps

On dacadoo you can track over 115 different indoor and outdoor fitness activities directly via the integrated tracker in the dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android) by clicking on the Track menu item.

In the Track menu, you select your activity by clicking on the Change Activity button or by clicking directly on the fitness activity icon on the screen. You will see the list of available activities that can be tracked on dacadoo. Some of these activities show a compass icon to signal that they are GPS-based activities. Select the activity and then click on Start to begin tracking your activity live.

If you have already completed a workout and would like to add it manually, click on Add Activity Manually and enter the data there.

Via web access ( you can only add activity manually following the same process after login: Track -> Add Activity Manually.

In addition to tracking directly with the dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android), dacadoo supports many of the popular fitness tracking devices and apps available from third parties. Check out the Q&A question: “Connecting third party devices and apps”.

Android have introduced a power saving mode which increases the lifetime of the battery of the device. However, this feature switches off GPS tracking when you have the application running in the background and the phone is locked. We advise that you switch off power saving mode to ensure the workout is correctly tracked by dacadoo.

dacadoo introduced algorithms to detect double counting of workouts and activities, and started removing duplicate workouts. Why is this important? With the ability to connect various tracking devices and apps, users often forget that they track activities on different trackers in parallel. For instance, if they carry an external step counter which is connected to dacadoo, and if they track in parallel running on dacadoo. This would be double counting of a running activity. This needs to be detected and the duplicate needs to be removed.

dacadoo computes a daily summary of activities. The summary collects the user’s workouts and activity data for a specific day. By collecting all workouts and activities of one day, dacadoo can verify if certain workouts and activities overlap in time. If two workouts overlap, only the workout with the higher burned normalized energy (measured in MET h) will be displayed on dacadoo.

Some external devices/apps do transfer step data multiple times a day including time information via their connection. This helps dacadoo to do an exact overlap calculation and therefore be very precise in the removal of duplicate workouts and activities.

Other external devices/apps however, still provide us with only one daily transfer of step data via their connection and without any time information. In these cases, the overlap calculation is less precise. A daily step count might overlap with an intense workout tracked on dacadoo, so the latter will be preferred to steps because of the higher energy burned.

These are the reasons why sometimes, only a partial transfer of steps from the external device/app is transferred to dacadoo.

You can share the details of your workout with your friends on different channels (e.g. WhatsApp, Messenger, Email and Facebook).

However, please note that your workout photos with the application overlay can only be shared on Facebook and Twitter. The workout photo that you share includes the application logo, activity distance, time and average speed of your workout (if applicable).

Follow the below steps to share your workout on social media other than Facebook or Twitter:  

  • Step 1: Track your workout or add it (with all the details such as distance, duration, etc.) manually once you have completed it.
  • Step 2: Take a picture while working out or if you’re adding the activity manually, select a picture from your photo library.
  • Step 3: Scroll down and in the section “SHARE”, click on “Share on” and then select “More”. Choose the social channel on which you want to share your workout. Once you have selected the social channel, make sure that the blue tick appears next to “Share on”.
  • Step 4: Click on “Send”.
  • Step 5: Tap on “Share now” on the pop-up.

Your friend(s) will receive the details of your workout and a link to the dacadoo app where they can see more information about your workout.


Follow the below steps to share a post with your workout picture on Facebook or Twitter:

  • Step 1: Track your workout or add it (with all the details such as distance, duration, etc.) manually once you have completed it.
  • Step 2: Take a picture while working out or if you’re adding the activity manually, select a picture from your photo library.
  • Step 3: Scroll down and in the section “SHARE”, select the social channel on which you want to share – Facebook or Twitter. Once you have selected the social channel, make sure that the blue tick appears close to “Share on Facebook/Twitter”.
  • Step 4: Click on “Send”
  • Step 5: A pop up will appear, click on “add photo”
  • Step 6: Click on “Share now”

iPhone: If you own an iPhone 5S or newer, you can track steps directly via the Apple Health App (Healthkit), as the iPhone has a built-in step counter chip (M7/M8 chip).

After linking dacadoo to your Apple Health app (see step-by-step guide here), open the Apple Health app on your iPhone and follow the steps below:

  1. Tap on Sources
  2. Tap on dacadoo
  3. Go to the section “ALLOW DACADOO TO READ DATA” and activate Steps.

Note: There is no in-built step-tracking functionality in the dacadoo iOS app.

Android: If you own a compatible Android device, you can activate automatic step tracking by following the steps below.

  1. Open the side menu
  2. Tap on settings
  3. Tap on the APP
  4. Activate “Automatic step counter”

The manual entry of fitness activities and sleep data can be done on both the mobile apps and the website.

  • Follow the steps below to manually add a fitness activity:
    • Step 1: Click/tap on “Add Activity Manually” on either the mobile apps or the website.
    • Step 2: Search for the desired activity in the list of available fitness activities by either scrolling/swiping up and down the list, or by using the search functionality, and then by tapping/clicking on it to select it.
    • Step 3: Enter the required data points, such as Date, Time, Duration, and possibly also Distance, Elevation and Heart Rate (if available).
    • Step 4: You can add a photo to the workout by taking a new picture or by uploading a picture from the photo library on your smartphone.
    • Step 5: Click “Save” on the website and/or tap “Send” on the mobile app. These buttons will only become active (by switching color from grey to blue) if there is enough data to save the activity.
  • Follow the steps below to manually add body values:
    • Step 1: Click/tap on “Add Body Values” on the mobile apps or the website and you will be redirected to the Body section of the “Me” page.
    • Step 2: Click/tap directly on the value you would like to change, and by doing so the data entry wheel (on the mobile app) will open to make it clear that data should be entered.
  • Follow the steps below to manually add sleep data:
    • Step 1: Click/tap on “Add Sleep” on the mobile apps or the website.
    • Step 2: Enter the required data points (date, duration in bed, duration asleep, which needs to be lower than or equal to the duration in bed, and number of times awoken). These four data points are needed as a minimum to activate the “Save” button (by switching color from grey to blue) on the mobile app and on the web.
    • Step 3: Click/tap on “Save” and the manual entry will be logged and visible in the sleep journal on “Me”, “Lifestyle”, “Sleep”.

On dacadoo you can track over 115 different fitness activities directly with the dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android). dacadoo also supports many of the popular fitness tracking devices and apps from third parties. You can find the list of connectable devices here:

  • dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android): Track-> Tracking Devices/Apps
  • web access ( after login: Track -> Tracking Devices/Apps

Below you will find step-by-step guides on how to connect these devices and apps to dacadoo:

Finally, you can connect Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) enabled heart rate bands to the dacadoo app by following these steps: Track -> Tracking Devices/Apps -> Add BLE Device.

dacadoo is fully Apple Health app (HealthKit) enabled. If you own an iPhone 5s or newer version, you can synchronise the health data that is stored on your iPhone on the Apple Health app with dacadoo. You are always in control of what kind of data you would like to synchronise with dacadoo.

Please click here to access the step-by-step guide on how to connect your Apple Health app with dacadoo.

If you own an iPhone, you can make use of Siri to give voice-based commands to dacadoo.

You can start your workouts using voice-based commands by telling Siri to start walking, running, cycling, etc.

For Siri to understand your command, you need to say:

  • “Start NAME OF ACTIVITY with dacadoo”, or
  • “Start NAME OF ACTIVITY workout with dacadoo”.

For example, if you say: “Start walking with dacadoo” then Siri will open the dacadoo app and immediately start recording your walking activity! You can also use Siri when you are already inside the dacadoo app.

Currently we the following activities activated: walking, running, cycling, mountain biking, tennis, golf, yoga, aerobics, treadmill and gym workouts. Additional activities will be activated in the future releases.

If you experience issues using Siri, like receiving the phrase: “I wish I could, but dacadoo hasn’t set up with me yet”, then please switch off your iPhone completely and restart it. This will solve the issue and you will be able to use Siri normally with dacadoo again.

Different vendors have different approaches on how they send your data to dacadoo, and many of the vendors do not send historical data.

For the large majority of third party devices/apps, dacadoo therefore imports your data from the moment you have connected your device or app to dacadoo. For some devices who do allow the integration of historic data, dacadoo will integrate it. This is the case with TomTom (integrates 30 days’ history) and Garmin devices (integrates up to 100 items).

dacadoo connects to many popular fitness tracking devices and apps from third parties.

It is important to note that dacadoo only integrates raw data such as steps, heart rate, etc. from third party devices and apps. The calculation of energy models and calories burnt is done by dacadoo, as it is important for dacadoo to remain consistent in how your workouts are calculated across various different fitness tracking sources. As vendors of tracking devices and apps use different energy models, this leads to there being differences between their data and the data seen on dacadoo.

There is no global standard regarding how energy conversion is calculated from the number of steps. There are numerous models which differ, among other things, with respect to the input data used and also the quality of the results. Simple models consider only the number of steps, while more complex models also take into account inputs such as speed and route.

For us at dacadoo it is important to perform the energy calculation directly on our platform. We do this to maintain the integrity of the Health Score and the challenges we run on our platform. It would be unfavorable to use Tracker X instead of Tracker Y because Tracker X’s energy model is “more generous” in energy calculation.

As part of our activity, we therefore regularly work on energy models and choose the best possible one.

You can delete your tracked workout directly on the dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android) or via the website (

  • dacadoo mobile app: Me-> Lifestyle -> Activities -> Click on the specific workout in “My Workouts” and on the trash icon/delete button.
  • Via web access (after login): Me-> Lifestyle -> Activities -> Click on the specific workout in “My Workouts” and then click on the trash icon/delete button.

When a tracked workout has been imported from a third party device or app and deleted within dacadoo, it might be the case that upon the next data synchronization the workout data will return within dacadoo. We advise to delete the workout directly from the third party device or application to ensure the workout is not re-synchronized with dacadoo.

This functionality is only available on the website.

If you use a tracking device or application that is not currently connected to dacadoo, you can import your data in GPX format via the website.

Follow the steps below to import and upload a fitness activity in GPX format:

  • Step 1: Click on “Upload GPX” on the website.
  • Step 2: Select the fitness activity of the workout.
  • Step 3: Then select the GPX file and upload it.
  • Step 4: Add a photo if desired.
  • Step 5: To complete the process, click on “Save”.

Additionally, you can export your data from dacadoo to other platforms. To do so, you need to access the activity detail page of the activity you would like to export on the website, and then click on “Export GPX” in the bottom right corner.

The dacadoo mobile app is available for iPhone and for Android smartphones in 13 languages (English (UK), English (US), German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Korean, Japanese and Chinese (simplified)) from the respective app stores.

However, users of other smartphones (e.g. Windows Phone, BlackBerry) can also use dacadoo via the website (

MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) is a measure to estimate the energy cost of physical activity, independent of weight, where 1 MET = 1 kcal/kg/h. It is also known as “normalizsed energy”. This measure was introduced by Stanford University in California and has been used globally for more than 30 years. The MET values used on dacadoo are based on the Compendium of Physical Activity that has been put together by Stanford University:

The nutrition model assesses the adoption by the user of what is regarded as a healthy diet. Currently, the best evidence for this comes from studies on the so-called Mediterranean Diet (MD). However, dacadoo complements questions assessing the adherence to the MD with questions from other validated questionnaires (e.g. the “Mindful Eating” questionnaire). This allows expanding the applicability of the nutrition questionnaire to a larger (also non-Mediterranean) population and allows for the widening of the dietary and behavioral dimensions to additional foods and eating habits.

“Mindful Eating” describes a non-judgmental awareness of physical and emotional sensations associated with eating. While questions about the MD give information on what the user eats, the validated “Mindful Eating” questionnaire provides insights as to how, when and why the user eats or drinks. With this complement, the dacadoo not only monitors adherence to a balanced diet but also determines whether a healthy eating behavior is adopted. The baseline questionnaire uses selected proxy questions from the original “Mindful Eating” questionnaire allowing a first rough assessment of the user’s mindfulness regarding food and beverage intake.

If you have some friends on dacadoo, then the “Live Map” functionality will be of interest to you:

  • It can be accessed in the “Social” tab by tapping on the map icon in the upper right corner of the mobile app. On the website, it is directly visible on the “Social” tab below the header.
  • If your friends are currently working out live with GPS, they will be displayed on the live map with their profile picture. You can click on the profile picture to obtain more information on what type of workout he/she is tracking and for how long.
  • You can interact directly with your friends by commenting on their workouts

In the customisable dashboard on the “Me” page with today’s values, you can decide what specific data points you would like to see on the main dashboard for today’s view. By tapping/clicking on “Pencil” icon, you can:

  • add new data points by tapping/clicking on “+ Add” and selecting the available data points of interest
  • delete a data point by tapping/clicking on the trash icon, and
  • change the order of the data points by holding a specific one pressed down and then by moving it to the right position.

The dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android) consumes battery power. Battery consumption varies from smartphone to smartphone and it depends on how many other applications, programs and services are being used at the same time.

On average, dacadoo uses a similar amount of power to any other application. Please note that continued use of GPS location services running in the background of your smartphone can decrease battery life. Make sure you stop tracking a fitness activity once you have completed it!

We recommend that you charge your smartphone every night and that you close any applications and services that run in parallel that you are not using.

Engagement and Social

The Points tab has been deactivated in the standard setting. For demo purposes or for specific employer clients, it can be activated and made visible upon request. Only eligible users can therefore see the Points tab and the linked rewards shop.

You can still earn and collect points for a healthy lifestyle and for completing various activities on dacadoo. The better your lifestyle, the more points you will earn. However, please note that points in our demo app cannot be redeemed in the rewards shop.

To provide better guidance to newly registered users, dacadoo uses a five-step getting started programme. This way, dacadoo provides guidance to you on what you should do first. This getting started programme will be delivered by the dacadoo Coach:

  • First steps on dacadoo (1/5): Time to log a workout
  • First steps on dacadoo (2/5): Time to join a nutrition goal
  • First steps on dacadoo (3/5): Time to answer some questions (lifestyle questions)
  • First steps on dacadoo (4/5): Find your friends on dacadoo, or invite them to join
  • First steps on dacadoo (5/5): Time to join a challenge

On dacadoo users can set up and join different types of challenges.

  • Activity-based challenges: Users can compete, either individually or in team, in single or multi-sport challenges.
  • Nutrition quizzes: A simple and creative approach to learn about nutrition – a knowledge quiz. The individual with the most correct answers, the team with the most correct answers or the team with the best average of answered questions, wins the challenge.
  • Photo challenges: Individuals can compete by uploading a picture and receiving likes for their picture from other challenge participants. The participant with the most received likes, wins the challenge.

Currently there are 15 different activity goals, 18 different nutrition goals and three general goals available on dacadoo. Activity and nutrition goals can motivate you to create new routines in order to improve your health and wellbeing. Successfully completed goals are rewarded with dacadoo points. You can add and join goals on the mobile apps (iPhone, Android) or on the website ( by following the steps below:

  • dacadoo mobile app: Tap on “Coach”, then on “Goals” to access the goals overview page. Available goals are displayed in a carousel view and you can swipe left/right to find the goal which appeals to you most. Also, you can tap on “dacadoo Coach”, “Activities Coach” or “Nutrition Coach” to access all available goals in the respective sections. Tap on the goal of interest to access the goal detail page, and tap on “Add goal” to join it. Alternatively, you can add a goal via the “Me” page in the goals dashboard by pressing on the pencil icon.
  • Web access (once logged in): Click on “Coach”, then on “Goals” to access the goals overview page. Available goals are displayed in a carousel view for each section (dacadoo Coach, Activities Coach, Nutrition Coach) and you can click on the Left-/Right buttons to find the goal which most appeals to you. Click on the goal of interest to access the goal detail page, and click on “Add goal” to join it. Alternatively, you can add a goal via the ”Me” page in the goals dashboard by pressing on the “Add” text.

Once you have joined a goal, it will be displayed in the goals overview page under “My goals”. Please note than a maximum of three nutrition goals can be added at one time. Before starting a new goal, the user should complete (or remove) another active goal.

You can join a challenge on dacadoo on both the mobile app and the website by following the steps below:

  • dacadoo mobile app: Tap on “Social”, then on “Challenges” to access the dacadoo challenges overview page, which displays the “Available Challenges” (set up by friends, dacadoo or the group administrator) in a carousel view. Swipe left/right to look at the different challenges and tap on the one you are interested in to access the challenge detail page. Tap on “Join” to join the challenge. If it is a team challenge, you also need to tap on your team in the list of teams. Alternatively, you can add a challenge via the ”Me” page in the challenge dashboard by pressing on the “pencil” icon.
  • Web access (after login): Click on “Social”, then on “Challenges” to access the dacadoo challenges overview page, which displays the “Available Challenges” (set up by friends, dacadoo or the group administrator) in a carousel view. Click left/right to look at the different challenges and then click on the one you are interested in to access the challenge detail page. Click on “Join” to join the challenge. If it is a team challenge, you first need to click on your team in the list of teams, then confirm by clicking on “Join Challenge”. Alternatively, you can add a challenge via the ”Me” page in the challenge dashboard by pressing on the “Add” text.

Challenges can be created directly via the dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android) or via the website (

  • dacadoo mobile app: Social -> Challenges -> Click on the “+” button and follow the steps in the challenge creation process.
  • web access (after login): Social -> Challenges -> Click on “Create New Challenge” and follow the steps in the challenge creation process.

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to set up challenges via the mobile app and via the website.

Friends who already signed up on dacadoo can be found in the user directory both on the website and on the mobile apps, as all users who signed up on dacadoo are displayed with their name and profile picture.

Follow the steps below to find a friend on dacadoo and send him/her a friend request:

  • Step 1: Click/tap on “Search Friend in the User Directory”.
  • Step 2: Enter the first name, last name or even the email address of the friend and click/tap “Enter” to start the search.
  • Step 3: Click/tap on the name of the friend to access the friend page. The page might be empty if the friend does not share their data publicly.
  • Step 4: Send a friend request by clicking on “Add friend”. Once your friend accepts the friendship invitation, you will get a friend acceptance notification.

Friends who have not yet signed up on dacadoo can be invited by email via the website and the mobile apps.

Follow the steps below to invite your friends by email:

  • Step 1: In the “Social” tab in “Friends”, click/tap on “Invite a friend by email”.
  • Step 2: An email template will open; click/tap on “To:” to enter all email addresses of the friends you would like to invite.
  • Step 3: Edit the template text, if desired.
  • Step 4: Send the email.
  • Step 5: You will need to wait until your friends sign up on dacadoo. Once they have done, you will then need to send them a friend request. We plan to make this step automatic soon.

Achievements are another key gamification and engagement feature on dacadoo. They are general goals proposed by the dacadoo Health Score platform. There are currently 216 achievements in various categories that you can earn. Achievements are automatically activated for you and they start at a low level. Once you have reached e.g. “Cycling: 100 km”, the achievement in the same sequence, e.g. “Cycling: 500 km”, gets auto-activated.

In the mobile apps and on the website, achievements can be accessed by clicking on “Achievements”. There are general achievements and activity-based achievements available on dacadoo. Each achievement category is organised by “Next achievements” and “Earned achievements”.

To check the current status and progress towards attaining an achievement, you can click on the specific achievement so that the results unfold. It works in the same way on the mobile apps and on the website.

Attained achievements are communicated via the news feed on dacadoo and within the coach section.

To contact dacadoo, you can send us an email: Alternatively, you can do so via the app by going to –> About dacadoo & support –> Support, which opens your device email client and automatically includes information about your profile, device etc. to ensure a quick response.

You can also give the dacadoo app a rating directly via the dacadoo mobile app for the respective app stores (iPhone, Android): Coach -> Rate the App.

dacadoo has its own reward system within the dacadoo Health Score platform, which allows its corporate customers to define and manage various types of incentives that can be used to motivate users to engage in a healthy lifestyle. With the dacadoo reward system, you can earn points for completing various activities in the dacadoo Health Score platform. You can then redeem such points for various types of rewards, as defined by each B2B customer of dacadoo. On dacadoo, the “Points” page has been set up for demo and illustration purposes. The dacadoo platform uses “dacadoo Points”. The more lifestyle activities you track on dacadoo, the more dacadoo Points* you earn. For example, on dacadoo, you earn points for activities such as tracking exercise, responding to questions, participating in challenges and completing goals. The redemption of points can be handled in different ways, and it is dependent on which type of dacadoo implementation a corporate customer has chosen. On dacadoo, the redemption of dacadoo Points is not currently available: only “earning points” is activated.

The “Points” page provides an overview of the current dacadoo Points earned and the history of all individual points earned over time. Activities can be further seen in more detail by clicking on them. For demonstration purposes, we have activated the rewards shop which can be accessed and viewed under “Shop Now”.

The dacadoo points are for motivational and reward purposes only and they are not to be confused with the dacadoo Health Score, which is the real-time indicator of your health and wellbeing.

On dacadoo, you can earn dacadoo points (we like to call them “dacadoois”) for various activities. The better lifestyle choices you make, the more dacadoois you will earn over time. You accumulate dacadoois and you will be able to redeem your accumulated points for various types of rewards.

The dacadoo points are for motivational and reward purposes only and they are not to be confused with the dacadoo Health Score, which is the real-time indicator of your health and wellbeing.

If you are on holiday, if you are sick, injured or cannot be active for some other reason, you can adjust your Coach settings.

You can select the Coach settings in the upper right corner of the “Coach” page on the mobile apps.

With the Coach settings, you can define preferences in terms of areas of interest (exercise, nutrition, general topics, and social notifications) as well as the frequency of desired interaction with the dacadoo Coach on those topics. You simply move the slider right or left to define more or less interaction. The Coach will use these preferences in combination with other conditional message attributes to deliver the best coaching experience.

On the mobile apps, you do not need to “Save” your settings. On the website, you are asked to click the “Save My Answers” button to save the settings.


There are various ways how you can sign up on dacadoo:

  • Corporate users: You will receive a personalized link to sign up from your employer who sponsored your subscription and your account will be valid for the duration your employer paid for. 
  • Test users of potential dacadoo customers: You can request an access code at dacadoo ( or from your dacadoo sales representative, which will allow you to sign up on dacadoo and test it for free for 30 days. If you want to continue to use dacadoo after the test period, you can extend your subscription as described below. Please note that dacadoo can activate additional features for test users that are not visible in the standard version, such as the points page with linked rewards shop or other corporate features (groups, sub-branding, etc.). Contact your dacadoo sales representative if you would like to get access to these features.
  • Private users: dacadoo does not provide access to private users, except for people who have a gift voucher.

There are the following options to extend your subscription:

  • Corporate user: You will receive a personalized link to sign up from your employer who sponsored your subscription and your account will be valid for the duration your employer paid for. If the employer doesn’t renew the subscription, you may choose to extend the subscription as described below.
  • Test user of potential dacadoo customer: You can request an access code at dacadoo ( or from your dacadoo sales representative. With the access code you can sign up on dacadoo and test it for free for 30 days. If you want to continue to use dacadoo, you can extend your subscription as described below.
  • Private user: Please note that dacadoo does not offer access to private users, except for people who have a gift voucher.

Extend existing subscriptions:

  • InApp purchase: Once your subscription expired, you can select one of the standard paid dacadoo subscriptions for 90, 180 or 360 days. Payment must be made in advance for the subscription period through the InApp purchase function in the respective App stores. They can be accessed directly via the dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android) by following these steps: Me -> Settings -> Platform Settings-> Membership Management -> Buy Subscription.
  • License code and/or Gift Vouchers: If you have a license code with a valid subscription, you need to enter the licence code via the website on to activate the additional subscription period. Please follow these steps after login: Settings -> Subscription -> Licence code.

Security and Account Creation / Deletion

The sign-up process is identical on the mobile apps (iPhone, Android) and the website. On the mobile apps users will be guided directly to the sign-up process, and at, users will click on the button “Sign Up” to initiate the process.

The following steps need to be taken to complete the sign-up process:

  • Step 1: Select whether you are new to dacadoo (I’m new to dacadoo), or if you would like to log in to an existing account (Log in to my account).
  • Step 2: Fill in your access code to continue with the onboarding process.
  • Step 3: Alongside filling in your first and last name, you will need to accept the legal terms (terms of use, privacy policy and payment terms) by swiping the button on the mobile app from left to right to activate it (or by clicking on the box on the website to do the same). All legal terms can be accessed via the link provided, in the respective languages. The sign-up process will not continue if you do not accept the legal terms.
  • Step 4: Alongside your first and last names, you are asked to provide the following basic information which is essential for calculating an initial Health Score:
    • Date of Birth: A calendar opens, so that you can enter the date in the correct format.
    • Height: You select your height and the corresponding unit system – metric (m, cm) or imperial (inch) – from a drop-down list.
    • Weight: You select your weight and the corresponding unit system – metric (kg) or imperial (pounds) – from a drop-down list.
    • Gender at Birth: You select your gender at birth: Female or Male.
  • Step 5: You will be asked to provide your location. This can be done manually or automatically. To automatically add your location, please press the map icon (Android/iPhone) or use the slider button (web browser).
  • Step 6: Type in your email address and define a password which adheres to the password rules outlined on the page. If the password rule is not followed, an error message appears which highlights the specifications the password must fulfill again. (The password rule on dacadoo: minimum length is eight characters, maximum length is 160 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit or punctuation character.) You will also get the opportunity to accept the sign-up for the marketing newsletter issued by dacadoo, but this acceptance is not mandatory.
  • Step 7: To complete the first part of the sign-up process, a green “Signup” button will appear on the mobile app (and a “Create Account” button on the website), which you should click to continue the sign-up process.
  • Step 8: You will receive a brief explanation of what the Health Score is and you will be asked whether you would like to answer a few additional questions in order to have a more accurate Health Score. You will also be able to select within this section the diet you practise (Vegetarian, vegan etc.). You can select ‘Yes’ to view the questions, or ‘Not now’ to skip them.
  • Step 9: You are given the option to connect a fitness tracker or app, which allows your health and fitness data to be synchronized with dacadoo with ease.

Now the sign-up process is fully completed and you automatically gain access to the login area of the dacadoo mobile application or website.

You will receive an email from dacadoo and be asked to confirm your email address by clicking on a link provided.

The only data that can be shared is the following:

  • Health Score
  • Workouts
  • Earned achievements

Sensitive personal data such as weight, age or blood pressure, etc. is not accessible to other users.

The following types of sharing options are available:

  • Public: All users registered on dacadoo will be able to see the data described above.
  • Groups: If you are member of a group, all group members (whether they are friends or not), will be able to see the data described above.
  • Friends: Your friends will be able to see the data described above.
  • None: Only you will be able to see the data described above.

Privacy settings can be changed on the dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android) or on the website (

  • dacadoo mobile app: Click on “Me”, then on the gear icon in the upper right corner to access Settings. Select “Platform Settings”, then “Privacy and Security Settings” to change your privacy settings.
  • Website (after login): Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to access Settings. Select “Privacy Settings” to change your privacy settings.

You create your account on dacadoo, and you decide what data you want to share and not to share in the privacy settings. You can also delete the account if and when you decide to do so. dacadoo has an extensive privacy policy that explains in detail how we use your data. dacadoo does not sell your data or profile for advertising.

Data Security:

All your data on dacadoo is securely protected. dacadoo stores your data in a data centre in Switzerland, and uses state-of-the-art, multi-layered security methods. These methods comply with best practices, and include both physical and logical protection, such as access control, encryption and segregation.

Data Privacy:

dacadoo complies with data protection and privacy laws. As a user, you decide what you want to share and what to keep private. dacadoo is not in the business of selling your personal data or using your data for targeted advertising. Our data collection is duly registered with the Swiss data protection commissioner, and we have an extensive privacy policy that explains in detail how we use your data to calculate your Health Score.

Please note that all registered users of dacadoo are displayed with their name and profile picture.

For all other data points, you control and decide yourself what data shall be accessible to others. You can change the privacy settings of your account at any time and thereby determine who will be able to see what data. The only types of data that may be shared are the following: Health Score, workouts  and earned achievements. Sensitive personal data such as weight, age or blood pressure, etc. are not accessible to other users.

The following types of sharing options are available:

  • Public: All users registered on dacadoo will be able to see the data described above.
  • Groups: If you are member of a group, all group members (whether they are friends or not) will be able to see the data described above.
  • Friends: Your friends will be able to see the data described above.
  • None: Only you will be able to see the data described above

One of the most common user support requests is to reset passwords. This process allows you to do it yourself by following a secure and straightforward process.

If you forget your password, click on the “Forgot Your Password?” link on the login page, either on the mobile app or on the website, and follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: You will be redirected to a web page where you will be asked to enter the email address which you use on dacadoo.
  • Step 2: dacadoo will send you an email, including a link to tap/click on.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to a web page where you can set a new password and confirm it by tapping/clicking on the “Reset Password” button.

You will have to return to the login page and log in with the email address and the new password to access the dacadoo Health Score platform again.

You control your data so of course you can delete your account by following these steps:

  • dacadoo mobile app (iPhone, Android): Me -> Settings -> Platform Settings -> Scroll down and click on “Delete Your Account”
  • On the website at after login: Settings -> scroll down and click on “Delete Account” 

You will need to enter your password to confirm the deletion of your account. Once confirmed, your account will be deactivated immediately and your data will no longer be visible. dacadoo will keep your data for 30 days in case you change your mind and would like to reactivate your account. After 30 days, your data will be permanently deleted.

dacadoo GO Walking Game

dacadoo GO is currently available in the App Stores in the following countries (but can be played all over the world):


  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • UK


  • USA
  • Canada


  • Australia
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore


  • South Africa

dacadoo GO requires an iPhone 5s or newer, or an Android device running Android OS 4.4 (“Kitkat”) or newer.

The maximum level is 15. The leveling duration depends on the individual play style and activity of each player. We expect the average play time to reach level 15 to be 60 calendar days.

New game functionalities are unlocked in the following way:

  • Level 2: Quests
  • Level 3: Walk Score
  • Level 5: Team Battles
  • Level 8: Boost Ability
  • Level 10: Spirit of Collaboration Ability
  • Level 15: Snap Ability, Rewards

As a player, we ask you to be:

  • mindful of your surroundings,
  • never play while driving,
  • never trespass on private property, and
  • apply your own best judgement at all times

We recommend that interested players subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on Twitter @dacadooGO.